A downloadable game

This work is based on For the Queen (found at http://www.forthequeengame.com/), product of Alex Roberts and Evil Hat Productions, and licensed for our use under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/).


In the town of Frazentia lies a peaceful, neighboring population. The skies are blue and the animals are charming as ever. At least, things were before a chaotic hell broke loose. Now, you can barely turn a corner without noticing a fiery barrel with shards of glass from broken windows. Villagers fear for their lives behind closed doors and everybody is pointing fingers and at each other's throats. Eyes peer from boarded up windows. The bodies of the dead have not yet finished burning. A sporadic mass murders broke loose in the middle of the night leaving many of the townmen and townswomen deceased. A culprit has been determined and has been put on trial. You, the players, are the set list of jury members that will determine the fate of the culprit. Prior to the execution, each member of the team had valuable information discussed by the accused and it is their job to discuss it with the remainder of the team about their personal experiences/roles in differently described scenarios. In the end, when the option presents itself, the group will come together in a vote to determine whether the accused will be executed or not.


Character Creation _ ID CARD.pdf 513 kB
Judges, Juries, and Executioners - Card Table.pdf 33 kB
Judges_Juries_Executioners_RuleSheet 63 kB

Install instructions

Each player will take turns selecting a card/dialogue option in order to progress the story unfolding. Much like “For The Queen”, the current player will discuss a freestyle of what comes to mind to respond to each question. For a better grasp of the story, it is best that each player designates the name of their character, gender, occupation, and any other key details for a better understanding of how each event pertains to them. If it is better for a player to pass the dialogue to another person they deem to be more fit to answer, they may do so. The group will continue to discuss in a circle clockwise until the “Decision/Joker” card is drawn from a shuffled deck that is preferably placed in between the middle of the stack to the end for lengthier gameplay. At that point, each player will cast a vote of whether the culprit will be offed or survive the trial while giving the reasons why they chose to vote a certain way.